Saturday, March 19, 2011

Obama Understates U.S. Government Deficits by $2.3 Trillion « MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

Obama Understates U.S. Government Deficits by $2.3 Trillion « MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

A new assessment of President Barack Obama’s budget released Friday says the White House underestimates future budget deficits by more than $2 trillion over the upcoming decade.

The estimate from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says that if Obama’s February budget submission is enacted into law it would produce deficits totaling $9.5 trillion over 10 years—an average of almost $1 trillion a year.

1 comment:

  1. Why did the GSA put 500 companies out of business costing over 5,000 private
    sector jobs?

    For more details Read this Article
