Thursday, March 31, 2011

SOAR Act Throws Kids An Educational Lifeline | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

SOAR Act Throws Kids An Educational Lifeline | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.: "The program empowers parents, and it rejects the notion that a child should be relegated to a failing public school because they were born in the wrong zip code. Yet, remarkably, the program faces opposition from President Barack Obama and Democrats in the U.S. Senate."

What is wrong with the Marxists Obama administration?

YouTube - Washington's Latest Education Overreach: National Standards for Schools

YouTube - Washington's Latest Education Overreach: National Standards for Schools: ""

Organized Labor or Organized Thugs? AFSCME Openly Threatens WI Businesses | RedState

Organized Labor or Organized Thugs? AFSCME Openly Threatens WI Businesses | RedState: "Well, that didn’t take long. Union threats that were somewhat isolated a couple of weeks ago are now gaining in popularity among union bosses in Wisconsin. Business owners are now receiving threatening letters telling them that, if they don’t support government-sector unions, their businesses will be boycotted."

Wisconsin Judge Maryann Sumi & Her (SEIU, AFL-CIO) Political Operative Son | RedState

Wisconsin Judge Maryann Sumi & Her (SEIU, AFL-CIO) Political Operative Son | RedState: "This is a problem. Judge Maryann Sumi should have recused herself entirely from the Wisconsin battle due to her inability to be neutral in this case. You see, Maryann Sumi has a clear conflict of interest. Her son is a political operative who also happens to be a former lead field manager with the AFL-CIO and data manager for the SEIU State Council. Both the SEIU and the AFL-CIO have members who are public-sector employees in Wisconsin. In fact, as a federation, the AFL-CIO can boast of several member-unions that represent public-sector employees. Maryann Sumi is hardly an unbiased judge in the matter."

Harry Reid Chooses Shutdown Over Responsibility | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Harry Reid Chooses Shutdown Over Responsibility | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.: "You would think liberals in Congress have nothing better to do with their time. Amid a war in Libya, an effort to aid earthquake and tsunami-stricken Japan, a continuing war in Afghanistan, rising gas prices and endless unemployment, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and the Democratic leadership in the U.S. Senate are refusing to accept a modest agreement to fund the federal government through the end of the fiscal year"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making of America Seminar

Making of America Seminar

‘The Coming is Near’: New Eerie Iran Propaganda Vid Trumpets Imminent Return of 12th Imam | The Blaze

‘The Coming is Near’: New Eerie Iran Propaganda Vid Trumpets Imminent Return of 12th Imam | The Blaze

Caught: Reporters Overhear Dem’s Secret Budget Strategy — ‘Always Use the Word Extreme’ | The Blaze

Caught: Reporters Overhear Dem’s Secret Budget Strategy — ‘Always Use the Word Extreme’ | The Blaze: "“Um, Senators, ever heard of the mute button?”

That’s how the New York Times — yes the New York Times — begins its story on how Democratic Senators were caught Tuesday morning discussing secret marching orders before a conference call. Apparently, the senators didn’t realize that several of the reporters were already logged into the call and began discussing just how they wanted to verbally paint the GOP, House Speaker John Boehner, and the Tea Party."

Obama's friends bill ayers and Dohrn preach that Cuba to Qater should be able to vote for U.S. presidents

YouTube - atwera: ""

Monday, March 28, 2011

Scary? Even Communists Surprised at ‘Radicalization’ of Wis. Dems | The Blaze

Scary? Even Communists Surprised at ‘Radicalization’ of Wis. Dems | The Blaze: "“I have to tell you,” says Communist Party USA Vice Chair Scott Marshall in an online video, “that in every one of the situations that I’ve been in in Madison and Indianapolis, there is a radicalization going on among Democratic legislators that I‘ve never seen in my lifetime and I don’t think any of us have.”"

TUC protest march: anarchists on the rampage in London - Telegraph

TUC protest march: anarchists on the rampage in London - Telegraph: "Anarchists went on the rampage in central London as hundreds of thousands of people marched in protest at government cuts."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Obama. Boom winning….. The war against our American liberty and our constitution

I think the President must have got a hold of some of Charlie Sheen’s tiger blood. His administration has done more damage to our freedoms and constitution in just 2 years than the failed policies of the past decade. He rolled into office on the sound bite of hope and change. He told us he was going to fundamentally transform the country. Probably the only thing he said that was true. Well, we got the change and now all we have left is hope. Hope that his is a 1 term president. Hope that future generations can forgive us for our stupidity.

Simple facts

  • Right after his election he goes on an over seas apology tour. Telling other countries that we’re sorry for being arrogant, unfair, pushy, and a multitude of other lies.
  • Then he gets a unconstitutional healthcare plan rammed through without any debate.
  • Spends trillions of dollars on bailouts and government take over’s of businesses.  
  • Appoints about 30 Marxist-socialist unaccountable czars.
  • He insults our 2 biggest allies England and Israel 

That was just the tip of the iceberg. This man not only governs with no regard to the constitution. He believes that the constitution is backwards. He thinks that the government should rule the people, not the people rule the government. He must have had his fingers crossed when he took the oath of office to up hold and protect the constitution. He doesn’t even believe in the constitution.

One simple truth is that the 2012 election could be our generations last chance to restore our founding principles. Future generations will either judge us as the generation that lost our American liberties out of pure stupidity. Or, as the generation that almost lost it but some how finally woke up from our sleep and took it back.

Just sayn……
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."   George Washington

Friday, March 25, 2011

In Egypt, Muslim Group Takes Lead Role in Post-Mubarak Era -

In Egypt, Muslim Group Takes Lead Role in Post-Mubarak Era - "CAIRO — In post-revolutionary Egypt, where hope and confusion collide in the daily struggle to build a new nation, religion has emerged as a powerful political force, following an uprising that was based on secular ideals. The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group once banned by the state, is at the forefront, transformed into a tacit partner with the military government that many fear will thwart fundamental changes."

Obama advisor calls for the invasion of Israel. Oh and she is Cass Sunsteins wife

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rep Jason Chaffetz letter to the DOJ

March 23, 2011
The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Attorney General Holder:
Recent media reports suggest that the former director of the Service Employees International Union’s (“SEIU”) banking and finance campaign has threatened to seriously endanger the welfare of the United States.  In a forum at Pace University earlier this month, Stephen Lerner, the former SEIU official, revealed a “secret plan” to “cause a new financial crisis . . . destroy J.P. Morgan . . . and weaken Wall Street’s grip on power” by using “civil disobedience” to create “the conditions necessary for a redistribution of wealth and a change in government.”[1]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”[2] The escalation of Mr. Lerner’s threats would clearly constitute domestic terrorism and pose substantial harm to the American people and the economy.  I am therefore requesting that you investigate Mr. Lerner’s terrorist plans and notify me how the Department of Justice plans to respond to these threats.
The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the principal oversight committee of the House of Representatives and may at “any time” investigate “any matter” as set forth in House Rule X. An attachment to this letter provides additional information about responding to the Committee’s request.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact [redacted].  Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Jason Chaffetz
cc:  The Honorable Darrell Issa, Chairman
cc:  The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Minority Member

[1] Henry Blodget, Caught on Tape: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan to Destroy JP Morgan, Crash The Stock Market, And Redistribute Wealth in America, Bus. Insider, (Mar. 22, 2011), available at (last visited Mar. 22, 2011).
[2] Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, (Oct. 26, 2007), available at (last visited Mar. 22, 2011).

Americans worry Obama costing more than money

Americans worry Obama costing more than money: "A few hundred billion here, a few trillion there: Americans are becoming used to the concept that President Obama's response to many situations is to spend more money.

But now a new poll reveals 7 in 10 say President Obama's tenure in the Oval Office is costing them more than money, it's costing them their freedoms, and independents are leading the way with concerns there's been a big decrease in their rights to express themselves, discuss their religious faith, have a bumper sticker on their vehicle and attending political rallies."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

‘Alert All of Your Friends’: Beck Responds to Chilling ‘Economic Terrorism’ Audio | The Blaze

‘Alert All of Your Friends’: Beck Responds to Chilling ‘Economic Terrorism’ Audio | The Blaze

YouTube - UNCUT TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan

YouTube - UNCUT TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan: ""

YouTube - SEIU members protest at ESSA Bank headquarters in Stroudsburg, Pa.

YouTube - SEIU members protest at ESSA Bank headquarters in Stroudsburg, Pa.: ""

YouTube - The Left's Economic Terrorism Playbook: Coalition too Destroy US Capitalism and Redistribute Wealth

YouTube - The Left's Economic Terrorism Playbook: Coalition too Destroy US Capitalism and Redistribute Wealth: ""

» 20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility? - Big Government

» 20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility? - Big Government: "Below, you’ll find a compilation of 20 days worth of the death threats, vandalism, and intimidation practiced by pro-union thugs opposed to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. Wisconsin is my home state. I lived there until I was 27 years-old in 1993 and most of my family, including my parents still live there. For that reason and because the issue of education and teachers unions has been a passion of mine for going on two decades, I’ve been following this story very, very closely."

Ok folks this is a must read. If you want to see just what kind of people these unions and their thug friends are really all about. This is just nuts. Now I'm all in favor of the peoples right to protest and exercise free speech  but this is just insane. The founders wrote that our inalienable rights are Life LIBERTY and the pursuit of happiness. They used liberty instead of freedom purposely. An animal like a bird or wolf or a fish  can be said to be free. Liberty is solely a human word. Liberty means the rightful exercise of freedom, the balancing of rights and responsibilities. You have the right to exercise your liberty but you have no right to violate someone else's liberty. A lesson the "progressives" should learn. Just click on the above title and read this article.

Just sayn.........
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."  George Washington

Monday, March 21, 2011

Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media | NewsReal Blog

Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media | NewsReal Blog: "Kerri Dunn gave a barn-burner speech at Claremont College in California about racial discrimination and hatred. After her speech, she went to her car where she found it had been spray painted and vandalized with the words “kike whore” and “n***er lover.” She immediately went back to the event and reported she was a victim of a hate crime. The school shut down classes for an entire day. The president of the college Pamela Gann released a statement."

The New Egypt: Muslims Burn Down Church then Kill the Protestors | NewsReal Blog

The New Egypt: Muslims Burn Down Church then Kill the Protestors | NewsReal Blog: "This popular post was first published here on March 9, 2011.

The media sold us all on the Egyptian so-called democracy protests. It would bring peace and a secular government. Christians would not have to fear. All would be well. Those same newsmen might want to revisit Cairo today where a mob of violent Muslims attacked a Christian protest. So far we know at least 13 people were killed and around 150 have been wounded."

Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

By: Herman Cain
March 20, 2011

We have a crisis of crises in this country and some people continue to make the false claim that the Tea Party movement is racist, simply because many of us disagree with the policies of the Obama Administration. They also play the race card to try to dismiss President Obama’s leadership deficiencies.

Last week, a reporter asked me about some homemade signs at early Tea Party rallies, which were offensive toward President Obama and which quickly disappeared from subsequent rallies. But the reporter never mentioned the barrage of Bush-bashing by the liberals in the media who made it a sport when Bush was president.

Exaggerating U.S. border violence?

Exaggerating U.S. border violence?
As recent as last Tuesday, during a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee's Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, which examines the Department of Homeland Security's efforts to secure the border, several congressional representatives serving near the U.S. border contested Napolitano's reductionism of border violence. For example, testifying to the violence spilling over from Mexico's drug wars into the United States, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, said, "I think, frankly, we are at the worst point we have ever seen. I think it has been steadily deteriorating."

Read more:Exaggerating U.S. border violence?

Liberals Giving Up On American Exceptionalism - Lurita Doan - Townhall Conservative

Liberals Giving Up On American Exceptionalism - Lurita Doan - Townhall Conservative
When confronted with challenges, danger, or catastrophe, their common response is to shirk. These defeatists seem to think that Americans lack the grit, ingenuity, and raw courage to tackle complicated problems.

This is an excellent article that everyone should read. Lurita Doan nails it. Its just more evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder. Follow the lead of the liberals and you will follow them to nowhere. If we let the bed wetting lunatic liberals have there way they would have banned the wheel after the first kid fell of his bike.

Just sayn..........
"I bring reason to your ears,and,in language as plain as ABC,hold up truth to your eyes" Thomas Paine

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rubber Bullets Fly at Anti-Obama Protest In Rio - Kenneth Rapoza - BRIC Breaker - Forbes

Rubber Bullets Fly at Anti-Obama Protest In Rio - Kenneth Rapoza - BRIC Breaker - Forbes

Police major Fabio Alessandro of the 13th Batallion of Rio’s military police said that the protestors, all left leaning social movements associated with the Socialist Workers Party, PSTU, did not have a permit to protest near the consulate along Avenida Rio Branco and had refused to disperse from the area. They wore the ubiquitous Che Guevera T shirt and carried American flags that said Go Home Obama. Most of the protests had been peaceful until two home-made molotov cocktails were let loose in the direction of the Consulate. A guard at the Consulate was partially burned and was sent to the emergency room at Souza Aguiar Hospital.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Obama Understates U.S. Government Deficits by $2.3 Trillion « MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

Obama Understates U.S. Government Deficits by $2.3 Trillion « MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

A new assessment of President Barack Obama’s budget released Friday says the White House underestimates future budget deficits by more than $2 trillion over the upcoming decade.

The estimate from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says that if Obama’s February budget submission is enacted into law it would produce deficits totaling $9.5 trillion over 10 years—an average of almost $1 trillion a year.

Tech at Night: FCC Danger, Lefty Hypocrisy, Eric Schmidt, AT&T | RedState

Tech at Night: FCC Danger, Lefty Hypocrisy, Eric Schmidt, AT&T | RedState

Tech at Night: FCC Danger, Lefty Hypocrisy, Eric Schmidt, AT&T

Tech at Night

Long week on my end, but thankfully it’s over as soon as I’m done writing this. But the top story is danger at the FCC. The regulator is still threatening to overstep its bounds and circumvent the Telecommunications Act, which strictly limits the amount of power the FCC has over Information Services. So now they want to redefine high-speed Internet access as something new and different they’re calling BIAS, and then regulate the daylights out of it. This is bad stuff and must be watched. Read the whole article if you’d like to know more.

Ye Olde Journalist: SHARI’A (Islamic) LAW now being practiced in Flori...

Ye Olde Journalist: SHARI’A (Islamic) LAW now being practiced in Flori...: "From: Bare Naked Islam's Weblog March 19, 2011 Florida circuit court judge allows case to proceed under Islamic law.Jihad Watch ..."

We Won Wisconsin - But The Fight Goes On

Imagine that. The Obama administration is lying yet again. How many lies are we going to sit back and listen too before we wake up? Watch for your state in this video and see if that makes you proud. Show your kids and grandchildren. Then apologize for saddling them with our child like debt. We knew what was happening but we chose to not say anything.
I was driving by a school this morning and as the little kids were crossing one little girl looked at me, smiled and waved. Then skipped across the road. After I watched this video I could see her face again in my head. I thought to myself that some day this very little girl will be grown up and maybe she will be the one writing a history book. What shall she write about my generation? The baby boomer's. What did we accomplish? If we don't wake up soon I'm afraid I know how that book will be written. It won't be nice.
If you only remember one thing from this writing remember this....
Obama told us he was going to fundamentally change the country.
We didn't even bother to take the time to ask just what that change would be. That little girl is going to grow up and find out. Will she thank us or will she curse us.

Just sayn........

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”
–George Washington

CBO Report Confirms: Obama’s Budget Laden with Debt | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

CBO Report Confirms: Obama’s Budget Laden with Debt | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
According to analysis (pdf) by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the President’s budget would result in $1.43 trillion and $1.16 trillion deficits for FYs 2011 and 2012, respectively, adding two more years of annual deficits in excess of $1 trillion. Total spending would increase by 57 percent over the next decade, from $3.7 trillion this year to $5.8 trillion in 2021. Net interest alone mushrooms from $214 billion to $931 billion, a 335 percent increase.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda

Jeff Jarvis: Washington shows the morals of a clumsy spammer

General David Petraeus
Gen David Petraeus has previously said US online psychological operations are aimed at 'countering extremist ideology and propaganda'. Photograph: Cliff Owen/AP

The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.
A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command (Centcom), which oversees US armed operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, to develop what is described as an "online persona management service" that will allow one US serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world.

Time to wake up America. Start to insist that our government stop violating our constitution
“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” –George Washington

Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered

Oooh, well isn't that nice. He thinks, well like his Marxist buddy.....  “Some conservative legal thinkers like Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas think that the Constitution means what it originally meant. That means we should understand the document by going into a kind of ‘Time Machine’ and capturing the public understanding of the public that ratified the document a century or more than a century ago.” Cass Sunstein
Think about that statement for a second. Some of us actually believe that the constitution means what it meant? Really? Did somebody smack these guys upside the head with a stupid stick? Why wouldn't I believe that this document means what it says? I can't believe these guys.

Well, silly me. All this time I believed that the document actually meant what it said. Who would have thunk it. You see, the constitution was set up so the people controlled their government, not so the government controlled the people. These wackos want to flip the constitution around so they, the all knowing elitists, control us. I guess our founding fathers with all that silly liberty and freedom talk are just too old fashion for today. 

So you see what we have here folks is the simple truth. When Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform the government. He wasn't kidding. The constitution be damned. If he can't get it changed constitutionally, well he will just work around that pesky old document. The fact is, they don't believe in the idea of consent of the governed. He's not asking anymore for our consent. He's just gonna do it.

No more excuses folks. It is time for America to wake up. This administration is coming after your money and your liberty.

Just sayn............

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Now here's an intellectually lazy liberal if there ever was one. Doesn't he know buses need oil and gas? 
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant its just they know so much that isn't so" 
Ronald Reagan
just sayin

Is the U.S. Becoming a Welfare State?

So I'm cruising around the web just reading the headlines today and I come across this one that caught my eye.

Is the U.S. Becoming a Welfare State?

I say to myself. Hmmm, guess I'll check this out. In the second sentence I see this little factoid. 35% of wages go to government entitlements. Well, isn't that nice. I mean calling them entitlements instead of what it really is. Welfare. That's what progressives do, they just change words around to make something sound better than what it truly is. The word entitlements makes you think that you are entitled, and have a right to someone  else's  money. Well just look at how they disguise themselves. They proudly call themselves progressives instead of what they really are. Marxist and or socialists. You see progressive sounds soooo much better that a Marxist or a bed wetting intellectuality lazy socialist. But in reality that is exactly what they are, Marxists.  

Its amazing how they can turn even a good word like progress into something ugly. I mean we all want to have progress right? I want to progress to a better and more profitable  job. Then maybe progress from my crappy little apartment to a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Maybe even with a big pool. Or maybe I'll just go back to sleep like the rest of the country and just pretend like they really aren't that bad. If I sleep long enough maybe these "progressives" will see to it that I'm "entitled" to a nice big house with a pool. Yeah that's it, that's the ticket.

Thomas Sowell explained it best one time. I can't remember his exact quote but it was something like this. He said, all right let them wear the progressive name tag. They're progressive all right. The way a disease is progressive, the more it progresses the sicker you get. I think that just about sums it up. I guess I better not go back to sleep like half the country after all. This country is in big, big trouble and I truly do believe in our founders vision of liberty. I should change that headline that I copied and pasted too. It should read. Is the U.S. Becoming a Socialist Country? I believe we have already passed the welfare state.   I just read another quote that snapped me back to reality.

The world is a dangerous place to live- not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it...  Albert Einstein

Just sayin.......

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Greenspan Says Obama Admin is Too "Active" in Economy -

Greenspan Says Obama Admin is Too "Active" in Economy -

"I conclude that the current government activism is hampering what should be a broad-based robust economic recovery, driven in significant part by the positive wealth effect of a buoyant U.S. and global stock market," Greenspan wrote.

The aversion by corporations--and households too--from making large long term capital investments hasn't been this sluggish since 1940, Greenspan says. He blames uncertainty over continued government interference for the apparent corporate intransigence.

Angry voters oust Miami-Dade mayor in special vote | Reuters

Angry voters oust Miami-Dade mayor in special vote | Reuters

With 707 of 829 precincts reporting, official results showed 88 percent of voters backed the effort to oust the once-popular mayor, who is his second four-year term.

It was the biggest such ouster, or recall, of an elected official before the end of his official term since California voters tossed out Democratic Governor Gray Davis in 2003.

CNS News FOIA Re: SJC Justice Kagan

Morning Bell: No Bureaucrat Left Behind | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: No Bureaucrat Left Behind | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Did you know that it is Education Month in the Obama White House? Neither did we. But apparently it is, and accordingly the President crossed the Potomac yesterday to visit an elementary school in Arlington, Virginia, where he pushed for reauthorization of the unpopular No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program. It was a classic President Obama performance. First he denounced the “stale debates” over whether education needed “more money” or “more reform.” Then—surprise—he said what the country really needed was both: “We need more resources for the schools, but we’ve got to reorganize how our schools are doing business in order to assure success for our young people. … Let’s seize this education moment. Let’s fix No Child Left Behind.” No, let’s not.

US Public Schools: Progressive Indoctrination Camps (Part 2) - Chuck Norris - Townhall Conservative

US Public Schools: Progressive Indoctrination Camps (Part 2) - Chuck Norris - Townhall Conservative
Last week, my main point was that liberals couldn't care less about changing anything in public schools because they are producing exactly what liberals want. And that biased programming will deepen in the minds and hearts of America's young people unless we patriots stand up in every community, resist those progressive tides and demand alternatives.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Obama's jolt to economy: 'Tripling' your electric bill

Obama's jolt to economy: 'Tripling' your electric bill

FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff announced new federal rules that would in essence socialize the cost of transmission lines across the 13 states of the Midwest at a price tag of approximately $20 billion.

"Cost allocation for transmission facilities is one of the most difficult issues facing the energy industry and regulators, whether state or federal," said Wellinghoff.

Read more:Obama's jolt to economy: 'Tripling' your electric bill

'Green' price tag: $700 trillion to drop Earth's temp 1 degree

'Green' price tag: $700 trillion to drop Earth's temp <i>1 degree</i>

By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

New calculations applied to a U.S. Senate report reveal the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to combat global warming through regulation of greenhouse gases would theoretically take over $700 trillion, seven times the world's gross production, to drop the earth's temperature only 1 degree Celsius.

Read more:'Green' price tag: $700 trillion to drop Earth's temp 1 degree

The founders warned us of a drift towards the collectivist left.

  • The founders warned us of a drift towards the collectivist left.

Since the American system was designed to keep us in the balanced center. The founders warned us to resist the temptation of future generations to abandon their liberty and rely on a strong federal system of leftist collectivism.
They warned us against the welfare state where the government would care for us from craddle to grave. Jefferson wrote..
“ If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.” Jefferson also warned about high taxation and deficit spending. He wrote.......
“ We shall all consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound to pay them ourselves; and consequently within in what may be deemed the period of a generation, or the life expectancy of the majority.”
They also argued that in order for a nation to truly prosper was to have equal protection of rights and not allow the government to get involved in trying to provide equal distribution of things.
Adams said that they had tried to do everything possible to make the ideas of socialism and communism UNCONSTITUTIONAL. He said.......
“ The Utopian schemes of leveling ( re-distribution of wealth and a community of goods) ( central ownership of the means of production and distribution) are as visionary and impractical as those that vest all property to the crown. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, UNCONSTITUTIONAL.”
They believed that to prevent the tipping of power over to the left (tyranny) or to the right ( anarchy ) they campaigned for the strong program of education. So as to maintain an intelligent, informed electorate. Jefferso made this abundantly clear when he said........
“ If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”
The founders knew that they created a great country and wanted future generations to maintain it.
The great one warned us also of the dangers of a progressive government....
“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is 
force. Like fire, it is a 
dangerous servant and a fearful master.”
–George Washington
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our 
freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

President Obama is a union thug

Last week when Gov. Scott Walker signed into law sweeping legislation to curb the power of Obama’s bloated public employee unions, it should have been case closed, a done deal.
Apparently this has not happened.
Shockingly, President Obama and his allies are trying to make Scott Walker and his supporters pay a heavy price for standing up for the taxpayers in their fight with the unions.
Already pro-Obama groups are setting up websites and circulating petitions to hold a recall election for Gov. Walker and eight Republicans who supported him.
Make no mistake about it, these far left groups are angry and furious.
Reuters explains why they are so hopping mad: “Unions -- a key source of funding for Democrats -- fear the Wisconsin law will bolster Republicans in other states to cut spending by targeting public workers. Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Florida and Iowa have similar legislative moves pending.”
And that’s not all. Wisconsin proves that our officials in Washington can also act, if they have the courage to do so.
Obama and his big union allies would love to turn back the clock in Wisconsin.
We can’t let that happen!
Many thought our efforts to help Scott Walker would end when he signed this bill into law.
They are wrong!
We must continue to back him and his supporters at this critical time – Go Here Now.
Over the weekend, Obama’s bloated public unions sunk to a new low, threatening the citizens who’ve donated to Scott Walker.
In a mafia-like letter from the “Don” of the Wisconsin police union, a local businessman is being threatened with payback.
The letter, exposed by WTMJ radio host Charlie Sykes, opens by informing the businessman that the police union knows he’s “among [Governor Walker’s] largest contributors.”
Then like Don Corleone in "The Godfather," the police union boss offers the businessman “an offer he can’t refuse.”
Here’s an excerpt from the letter:
"The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose Governor Walker’s efforts… In the event that you cannot support this effort… please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott… your company. However, if you join us, we will do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership."
It was signed by the head of a Wisconsin police union!
And that’s just the tip of the sleazeberg.
Scott Walker held a fundraising event on Saturday, where his supporters were greeted by a goon squad.
“One person videotaped the license plates of at least some of the vehicles that entered,” reported the Duluth News Tribune.
“Protesters banged pots, shook tambourines at car windows and sounded horns. Most of the drivers and their passengers stared straight ahead.”
This is simply outrageous.
If Obama really believed in “civility” he would call off his attack dogs.
Team Obama is desperate to “reverse” our big victory in Wisconsin. They know what’s at stake.
We expect a plague of Democrat lawsuits, more mob chaos, and well-funded recall campaigns against GOP senators.
They won’t stop.
But neither will the League of American Voters.
We have been the leading national organization supporting Scott Walker.
Obama’s allies and the big unions continue to pour millions into Wisconsin.
They claim this was not one battle, but a “war.”
Frankly, we have to see it that way too.
We have been fighting fight fire with fire.
Your donations and support to the League of American Voters helped Scott Walker and state legislators stay firm and win this battle.
But now we must continue our efforts to support Scott Walker and keep public opinion on his side.
The League is also gearing up for other state battles.
With your help we made a victory in Wisconsin possible.
But the war isn’t over.
We urgently need your help to support Gov. Walker and to expose the outrageous behavior of Obama’s allies — Please Donate Here Now.
Bob Adams
Executive Director
P.S. When the League entered the Wisconsin fight, the big media said support for Scott Walker was eroding and that he would have to “compromise” with the big unions. With your help we fought hard to expose the unions and Obama’s allies. Scott Walker stood firm. Now Team Obama wants to make him pay a heavy price. We can’t let that happen. We need to keep up our media campaign in Wisconsin in support of Gov. Walker as we prepare for other key state battles.Dick Morris says the League is “the most effective grassroots organization in America.” We stopped Obama’s “public option” plan which would have ended private health insurance. We led the fight – and won – to renew the Bush Tax Cuts. And now your donations and support to the League of American Voters helped Scott Walker in this battle. We need to win this war and with your help we will!Donate Here Now

Obama just doesn't understand the constitution

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It's been more than two months since the tragedy in Tucson stunned the nation. It was a moment when we came together as one people to mourn and to pray for those we lost. And in the attack's turbulent wake, Americans by and large rightly refrained from finger-pointing, assigning blame or playing politics with other people's pain.
But one clear and terrible fact remains. A man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a man apparently bent on violence, was able to walk into a store and buy a gun.
He used it to murder six people and wound 13 others. And if not for the heroism of bystanders and a brilliant surgical team, it would have been far worse.
But since that day, we have lost perhaps another 2,000 members of our American family to gun violence. Thousands more have been wounded. We lose the same number of young people to guns every day and a half as we did at Columbine, and every four days as we did at Virginia Tech.
Every single day, America is robbed of more futures. It has awful consequences for our society. And as a society, we have a responsibility to do everything we can to put a stop to it.
Now, like the majority of Americans, I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. And the courts have settled that as the law of the land. In this country, we have a strong tradition of gun ownership that's handed from generation to generation. Hunting and shooting are part of our national heritage. And, in fact, my administration has not curtailed the rights of gun owners - it has expanded them, including allowing people to carry their guns in national parks and wildlife refuges.
The fact is, almost all gun owners in America are highly responsible. They're our friends and neighbors. They buy their guns legally and use them safely, whether for hunting or target shooting, collection or protection. And that's something that gun-safety advocates need to accept. Likewise, advocates for gun owners should accept the awful reality that gun violence affects Americans everywhere, whether on the streets of Chicago or at a supermarket in Tucson.
I know that every time we try to talk about guns, it can reinforce stark divides. People shout at one another, which makes it impossible to listen. We mire ourselves in stalemate, which makes it impossible to get to where we need to go as a country.
However, I believe that if common sense prevails, we can get beyond wedge issues and stale political debates to find a sensible, intelligent way to make the United States of America a safer, stronger place.
I'm willing to bet that responsible, law-abiding gun owners agree that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few - dangerous criminals and fugitives, for example - from getting their hands on a gun in the first place.
I'm willing to bet they don't think that using a gun and using common sense are incompatible ideas - that we should check someone's criminal record before he can check out at a gun seller; that an unbalanced man shouldn't be able to buy a gun so easily; that there's room for us to have reasonable laws that uphold liberty, ensure citizen safety and are fully compatible with a robust Second Amendment.
That's why our focus right now should be on sound and effective steps that will actually keep those irresponsible, law-breaking few from getting their hands on a gun in the first place.
• First, we should begin by enforcing laws that are already on the books. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System is the filter that's supposed to stop the wrong people from getting their hands on a gun. Bipartisan legislation four years ago was supposed to strengthen this system, but it hasn't been properly implemented. It relies on data supplied by states - but that data is often incomplete and inadequate. We must do better.
• Second, we should in fact reward the states that provide the best data - and therefore do the most to protect our citizens.
• Third, we should make the system faster and nimbler. We should provide an instant, accurate, comprehensive and consistent system for background checks to sellers who want to do the right thing, and make sure that criminals can't escape it.
Porous background checks are bad for police officers, for law-abiding citizens and for the sellers themselves. If we're serious about keeping guns away from someone who's made up his mind to kill, then we can't allow a situation where a responsible seller denies him a weapon at one store, but he effortlessly buys the same gun someplace else.
Clearly, there's more we can do to prevent gun violence. But I want this to at least be the beginning of a new discussion on how we can keep America safe for all our people.
I know some aren't interested in participating. Some will say that anything short of the most sweeping anti-gun legislation is a capitulation to the gun lobby. Others will predictably cast any discussion as the opening salvo in a wild-eyed scheme to take away everybody's guns. And such hyperbole will become the fodder for overheated fundraising letters.
But I have more faith in the American people than that. Most gun-control advocates know that most gun owners are responsible citizens. Most gun owners know that the word "commonsense" isn't a code word for "confiscation." And none of us should be willing to remain passive in the face of violence or resigned to watching helplessly as another rampage unfolds on television.
As long as those whose lives are shattered by gun violence don't get to look away and move on, neither can we.
We owe the victims of the tragedy in Tucson and the countless unheralded tragedies each year nothing less than our best efforts - to seek consensus, to prevent future bloodshed, to forge a nation worthy of our children's futures.